Why is reality constructed in such a way that evolution tends to produce in some sense predictable, or recurring, challenges/outcomes?
This is a loaded question - it's an attempts to limit direct replies to only those that support the questioners agenda. It's equivalent to asking, "Have you stopped beating your wife yet?"
There is no evidence that reality is constructed on behalf of biological processes. Rather, biological processes are one specific aspect of reality. We could easily replace your question with just about anything.
Why is reality constructed in such a way that it tends to produce:
- Black holes
- Rocks
- Orange Cats
- Saturday morning cartoons
- Farts
- etc.
It's as if there is something deep within the structure of the universe that tends toward the outcomes we observe as subjects/objects.
Have you not heard of physics? Cause and effect? Action and reaction? It's not something "deep within the structure" that causes outcomes. It is the structure that causes outcomes.
You're a bit like a guy who walks into a crowded restaurant and sees that a hundred people are all sitting in the dining hall and asks, "What is it that all these people have in common that they happen to be here at the same time? What is the common thread?"
Is it because they're all hungry? No, some of them aren't eating.
Is it because they all live nearby? No, many of them are from out of town.
Is it because they all did x, y, or z? No, some portion of them didn't do x, y, or z.
And you keep on fretting over the question not realizing the question is the answer. What they all have in common is they're all in the restaurant at the same time! And what brought each person there is entirely different and unrelated circumstances.